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Classic and Surreal Collective

Classic and Surreal Collective

Just a few more days to see the current pop up galleries at Art Farm Co-op, LEA 28 for Fall Session 1. Around the end of the week, new galleries will be taking their place. There are a surprising number of more substantial looking builds for “pop ups”. I enjoyed setting up the Classic and Surreal Collective, a museum established by my great-grandmother Pearl Grey in 1915, shown above.

Pilgrimage 1 by RMarie Beedit

Pilgrimage 1 by RMarie Beedit

Upstairs at the collective is an installation by RMarie Beedit, where you can pick up a complimentary hat and ponder your virtual pilgrimage.

Mini-Metamorfaces by Art Oluja

Mini-Metamorfaces by Art Oluja

Art Oluja added some classic looking pieces downstairs, echoing her Metamorfaces installation at LEA 10. After the place was set up, I’ve spent a fair amount of time on the back porch.

Photography by Veyot

Photography by Veyot

Veyot has set up a simple and attractive space showcasing some of the photography from her travels.

Kimika Ying's space with complimentary samples of creative items.

Kimika Ying’s space with complimentary samples of creative items.

Kimika Ying has examples of different types of creative things one can make which I’ve collected as I slowly expand beyond 2D art. You can get a color changing Kraken hat, shown in orange in the left of the photo and an invisible flying cube which is a great machinima tool. Kimika has also made a Vimeo which features the galleries as they were last week as well as showing parts of the other three quadrants set up for machinima, performance, writing and socializing.

Space by Neeva Torok

Space by Neeva Torok

This is a birds eye view looking down at the changing space created by Neeva Torok.

by Serra Quendra

by Serra Quendra

Serra Quendra’s space keeps evolving as well. She has also focused a lot of creativity on the nearby Youth Hostel quadrant which now has gardens, tents, chickens, and couches among other things. There are celluloid studio apartments where you can move in rent free and you are welcome to hang out with all the Youth-At-Heart.

by Cake (Aemeth Lysette)

by Cake (Aemeth Lysette)

Cake has a themed space showing her first life art work.

Glitch and Animation Gallery by Elle Thorkveld

Glitch and Animation Gallery by Elle Thorkveld

This photo shows the upstairs level of the Glitch and Animation Gallery by Elle Thorkveld. You can see some views of the animated art on the outside of the building in Kimika’s Vimeo. This room has work by RMarie Beedit, myself, Daewonsong Sorrowsong and Art Oluja.

Elle’s art can also be seen in the large exhibit area and she is the facilitator of the Self-Serve Pop Up Galleries quadrant for Fall Session 1.

by Dulcis Taurog

by Dulcis Taurog

One of the newest artists to join us is Dulcis Taurog, showing again that one need not set up a substantial looking piece of architecture to showcase beautiful art.

Van Caerndow ~ Art; Drinking and Drawing Classes

Van Caerndow ~ Art; Drinking and Drawing Classes

Van Caerndow holds a drawing class on Mondays at 8:00 p.m. SLT and everyone is welcome to attend. No formal registration required. Free drinks available.

There’s also a sculpture garden and some free tutorials in the back of the quadrant, behind Cake’s space.

There are also three available spaces at this time. You can check out the fun we’ve had this week and return next week to see what changes are happening.

Thanks to LL and the LEA committee for this opportunity for creative learning and community.