

Registration is open for the first round of the Kowloon Locker Festival, which will be on display until about February 14.

It’s easy, and my locker is already set up. Details are on this blog post on Kowloon’s Wall.

When you arrive in Kowloon, you take the steps down on the left, without entering the gate. There’s a board to click on to request an invite, which didn’t take long for me to receive. When the spaces for lockers, about 30, are filled up, you can participate in the second group, which will be on display about mid-February.

The cost to join the group is 30L, and you can keep and use the high quality locker elsewhere, which I’m already doing. The colors are given out randomly. There are 10 Li available for decorating.

More instructions and a few rules are available on Kowloon’s blog.

I’ve enjoyed participating in Kowloon’s events for years. Even if you choose not to decorate a locker, enjoy seeing what other avatars have set up.

edit ~ registration has closed for the first exhibit