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cvl_001 The Community Virtual Library in Second Life presents an exhibit of art work in virtual worlds during the fall of 2016.

The Grand Opening of the exhibit is Monday, September 12th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. SLT, when some of the artists will share about virtual world art in either text or voice. It will be held at the CVL Exhibit Space, Bradley University.

The photo above shows art by Eleseren Brianna.cvl_002

Some photographs by Alex Avion are show above with an animated piece by Elle Thorkveld to the right.

On Saturday, October 8th at 9:00 a.m. SLT a second presentation by some of the participants will be given.  The exhibit runs from September 12th through November 15th.cvl_003There are two levels of the exhibit space with navigation between the levels via rope climbing.

Wearable Art Celebration Party
Wednesday October 12th 6pm SLT
“Wear something artistic and join us for a celebration of virtual world art. Network with other artists, educators, librarians, and friends to connect and share art with virtual world communities.”cvl_004

Art by Indea Vaher shown above.

Participants include: Eleseren Brianna, Alex Avion, Derry McMahon, Lucia Tophat, Sheba Blitz, Camellia (captainofmysoul), Aradia Aridian, Capcat Ragu, Bryn Oh, Uleria Caramel, JolieElle, Johannes1977, Sparky Mandelbrot, ZeniaBastet, Ceakay Ballyhoo, Hana Hoo, Marly Milena, Pearl Grey, Indea Vaher, Asmita Duran Jaya, Professor Bimbogami and Dancoyote Antonellie.

There are links to galleries, websites, LEA installations, Flickr accounts and other trails to follow.

Valibrarian Gregg is the President of Community Virtual Library.