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Paris Apartment

Whatever it’s like for anyone else, I’m affected by my physical world environment, by the energy of things and also by what I experience in virtual reality. I’ve mentioned that since I live in a high desert region, I feel better when my avatar stands in the pouring rain at Grey November Gallery.

When it was bitterly cold a few months ago, my avatar was spending time in an old Victorian tavern near the sea. The doors were open and there were fresh breezes unlike what I was experiencing with the indoor heating and shut windows in physical reality.

Then spring arrived in first life, although it’s been too windy for my liking, and the tavern began to feel dark and splintery. Also scary Orcs moved in next door. (Not a problem, really.)

Anyway, I did some shopping at the Buddy Walk and really, really liked the outfit I’m wearing in the above photo. It inspired me and somehow led to my renting a Paris Apartment skybox on impulse and I was quite pleased with it in the short time I lived there. Then I liked the London Apartment, which is similar, even better and that’s where I’ve been living. The white walls are filled with art I’ve picked out and this virtual home is uplifting to my mood and outlook on life.    Paris Home_1For a while I’ll have a home without spiders, splinters, and rats; here the chickens and geese can’t wander in. 

apartmentThe painting in the background is by first life artist Chris Attwell and was purchased from the Placebo Gallery in Second Life, which is curated by Seraphim Placebo.